On my previous post, i expressed my regret that we were only staying in Taichung
for a mere 2 nights which was not enough! In Taichung you can not only shop and eat like kings and Queens, if you want to see some interesting sights.. more of a nature fan etc,
you can check out the below two option of One Day Trips that i initially planned,
but didn't get to go because;
1 - time constrain
2 - wanted to shop more in Taichung
LOL Next time i get to go to Taichung, so gonna stay there for like 5 days or so,
so i can shop and eat and travel and make 1-day trips to all these places i want to go! Sometimes when i go to Taiwan i wish i'm a cow and have like 4 stomach so i can eat as much as i want and fill myself with food that i can't eat in Singapore. Hahahah yes i've officially gone mad.
From Taichung you can travel to Xitou 溪頭 or XinShe 新社,
both places are not far from taichung, maybe 1hour or so?
For Xitou i really really really wanted to go to the 溪頭妖怪村 Monster Village )':
if you're planning a trip there please take lots of pictures and lemme see wokay? Envious much boo boo.
Inclusive of: 台中-溪頭
2-way ticket
溪頭自然教育園區入園券 (支付100元(購買半票)方能入園) +
2-way ticket
溪頭自然教育園區入園券 (支付100元(購買半票)方能入園) +
溪頭妖怪村優惠商品兌換券 +
Schedule: http://www.ntbus.com.tw/033.htm
溪頭妖怪村 Monster Village [http://www.mingshan.com.tw/]
溪頭自然教育園 [http://www.exfo.ntu.edu.tw/sitou/cht/]
杉林溪森林生態渡假園區 [http://www.goto307.com.tw/]
【台中 》 新社 》 台中】
Xinshe Castle 新社古堡花園歐式古堡 http://rtaiwanr.com/157/Taiwan/taichung/xinshe-castle
Moncoeur http://www.moncoeur.com.tw/
Mushroom Street 蘑菇街 is recommended by leon's tw friend
If your trip happen to be in the cherry blossom season around feb-march,
you can check out these places to go 賞梅:
梅林親水岸 - http://viablog.okmall.tw/blogview.php?blogid=967
新社沐心泉休閒農場 Spring Mountain - http://viablog.okmall.tw/blogview.php?blogid=413
Hehe hope this helps a little if you're planning for your trip, to find out your options of
what to do in Taichung or how you can travel from Taichung.
Oh hello, 逢甲夜市.
Where you can shop, eat, shop, eat, shop, eat. No judgement, cos everyone's doin' it yo.

Both in our new kicks from Taichung hohoho. Love the loafers, so comfy i'm always wearing it to work or to anywhere really. So adorbs, if i see these again during my birthday Taipei trip next week i'm so gonna grab another one or two of these in other colors.
Lol omg i'm turning into an auntie, find a favorite bra, BUY 5436423564 pieces of it in all the colors available, because WHY NOT RIGHT? FML I'm turning 23 years old. but but but.. it's like yesterday that i just celebrated my 21, in my awesome Mardi Gras 21st party!
...I'm officially depressed because i'm so old.
So i'm going to stare at my amazingly adorable gellish nails done by my genius manicurist, Chloe from Milly's to lift me out of this terrible mood. Is there such a thing as TOO much cuteness?
1 little bunnie, 2 little bunnie, 3 little bunnie. HOP! 1 fatty panda, 2 fatty panda, 2 fatty panda. WOOTS!
My manicurist is AWESOME, I was about done when her next client sat down beside me and she basically went cooing and ahhing and half-shouted "OMG THAT PANDA IS SO CUTEEEEE!!!"
For appointment call Far East Plaza: 67376723, Bugis 63384137 or sms 83835395.

Oh yes back to Fengjia Night Market, oh oh oh this little bee honey eggie thing IS delicious!!!

Oh the oysters! Oysters, just slightly grilled but still raw-ish, leon insisted to grill it cos he is a chicken and because i have an extremely strong stomach i can eat everything and i still can't poop. HAHAHAHA others might call it a problem but it's an extremely awesome problem to have on a holiday where you won't want to be hopping around OMG OMG OMG I NEED TO SHIT AND I CAN'T FIND THE POOPERS!!!
So chicken leon ate 1 and i ate 3, it is SO GOOD can? I wanted more but he very promptly dragged me away, humpf!
PS: When we were back in Taipei and i was craving this taichung one sooooo much, we saw a oyster stall at the night market too and i was super happy so we ordered like a dozen or so but after i ate my first oysters i was like BLAH?! OMG THIS SUCKS? I want to be back in Taichung naaaaaao!
Never imagine a day i would prefer the food somewhere else other than in Taipei!!! 0.0

OH THIS IS GOOD! Adorable packing ttm!! We had like 2-3 servings of this, we had one.. walked away for about 100m and we were like OMG WE TOTALLY SHOULD GO BACK AND HAVE MORE RIGHT?! Yay great choice we went back for like 2-3 servings more.
The sea salt original flavor is DA BOMB. EAT. PLEASE.
The stall owner said the lala is VERY fresh and stuff cos they farm them themselves *leon private joke.. my preeeeeecious* lol ok nobody would get that except for us really so don't kick yourself for not understanding what the heck i just said.

Same story, awesome in taichung, ate in taipei.. Eeeeeew disappointing much!
Same story, awesome in taichung, ate in taipei.. Eeeeeew disappointing much!
So this is called 懒人虾 erm translates to lazy people prawns?
Lol basically you don't have to peel the prawns at all before eating, perfect for me seriously.
I think we had the original and bbq or sth, SOOO EFFING GOOD.
The epic thing is just beside the bbq area, there is like this tank with all the prawns swimming around, then you turn your head 10 degrees to the right you see all the prawns ZZAAA ZAAA kena bbq already.
Erm hahah i know you wanna tell us your prawns is crazy fresh and yummy,
but seriously, i can never get that visual out of my head - EVER.

Oh yes and there's the stall with the freakishly adorable thing...
if you can't remember / cannot tell what it is.. read this!
To read all my other travelogues, hit the Travelogues button on the top navigation bar! (:
Hehehe, gonna go continue couch-potatoing and watching FRIENDS,
i've just completed all 7 seasons of Sex in the city and i'm into 3rd season of FRIENDS.
4 days more to my taiwan birthday long weekend yay!
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.